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Living in a Digital Darshan

The internet just might be a way to transfer more of the Spirit than we know, or is there a deeper secret here? Obviously fundamentalists might not agree with me, but I see the internet as a digital darshan! The bandwidth of connectivity (the world) combined with the instant connectivity (nano seconds), make it an ideal tool. The Indian word "darshan" means a direct transfer of higher consciousness. Why not? Let’s just DO IT!

More and more people are becoming fully awake. The process theology of A.N. Whitehead would emphasize the BECOMING while I want to accent the AWAKE! Pacal Votan, known as a magician of time, understood mathematics, or numbers, as a type of language that transcends the subjectivity of human verbal experience. He believed- “All is number. God is a number. God is in All.” And in an intriguing way, the Maya’s message is that we are intimately linked with and informed by the Galaxy. All of life is ordered by the same basic, re-occurring patterns. We are all BECOMING something- as a collective consciousness.

Maybe Carl Jung wasn’t too far off!

From the slow emergence of we homo sapiens to the agricultural age, to the industrial age, the current age of digital knowledge, and on to the age of wisdom or what may be in 2012 the Golden Age. Time is speeding up even if we’re not aware of it. A 2012 final fantasy?

French paleontologist and spiritual guru, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (of whom I’m devouring about a dozen of his works) believed that we were moving towards a speeding up of time. Unfortunately he left us in 1955, long before the interent, or otherwise he might have been even more impacting in his theorems. Even with that, he took us from cosmogenesis (birth of cosmosphere), to goegenesis (birth of the earth), to biogenesis (birth of life), etc., etc.

He was ultimately leading us to Christogenesis and isn’t that what we who live within the Christian traditions believe: without denying those who live outside of our traditions!

But of course, it all began with Mayangenesis!

Am I saying that one needs a computer to hear God? No way!

But what does appear obvious to me is that the internet is a tool for cosmic consciousness beyond anything that our finite minds can comprehend: currently. It’s a collective consciousness.

It’s a true ONENESS! Maybe an indirect digital darshan?

Author: Ernie Fitzpatrick

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